5 best facts about sharks - Shark is a sea creature that we know as beautiful monster as it's hunt human too. Shark has some unique facts that maybe you don't know yet.
Some facts below will add your knowledge about this beautiful sea mammals :
Some facts below will add your knowledge about this beautiful sea mammals :
- Sharks has been live for 400 years in the sea
- There's some kinds of sharks: Bull shark, Whale Shark, White Shark, Tiger Sharks, Hammerhead Shark, Sand Tiger Shark, Dwarf Lantern Shark, and Nurse Sharks and more.
- Shark's fins has been hunted for soup, as we know it's illegal and may cause extinction for shark's live.
- Biggest shark is Whale Shark that have 14 Meter long while the smallest is Dwarf Lantern Shark that max only 1524 Cm long
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